Installation of expatriates Algiers Algeria, Real estate rental Algiers Algeria, relocation consulting Algiers Algeria

Installation of expatriates Algiers Algeria, Real estate rental Algiers Algeria, relocation consulting Algiers Algeria

Installation of expatriates Algiers Algeria, Real estate rental Algiers Algeria, relocation consulting Algiers Algeria

Installation of expatriates Algiers Algeria, Real estate rental Algiers Algeria, relocation consulting Algiers Algeria

Installation of expatriates Algiers Algeria, Real estate rental Algiers Algeria, relocation consulting Algiers Algeria

Installation of expatriates Algiers Algeria, Real estate rental Algiers Algeria, relocation consulting Algiers Algeria

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Installation of expatriates Algiers Algeria

Installation of expatriates Algiers Algeria

Installation of expatriates Algiers Algeria

Installation of expatriates Algiers Algeria

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Real estate rental Algiers Algeria

Real estate rental Algiers Algeria

Real estate rental Algiers Algeria

Real estate rental Algiers Algeria

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relocation consulting Algiers Algeria

relocation consulting Algiers Algeria

relocation consulting Algiers Algeria

relocation consulting Algiers Algeria

Algeria in Action !


In a context of business globalization, expatriating your human capital under the best conditions is a major growth issue. Less time spent on human resources work, means more time spent on your core business.

Your Needs

  • You manage an SME or a multinational, you are considering an expatriation project or are already established in Algeria.
  • You are looking for business opportunities, economic stability and security are essential criteria for you.
  • You have practical needs in terms of housing, health, education.
  • You give importance to  life quality, culture and leisure.

A good integration of your collaborators into their new environment ensures that their duties uptake is quick and serene.

Our Solutions

Well organizing these processes ensures the employee’s involvement and stability in the company.


- Audit of the the company's needs and collaborator
- Reception at the airport and transport to temporary housing
- Acknowledgement trip, discovery of the city and its neighborhoods
- Welcome booklet
- Looking for rental accommodation and putting it into service
- Furnishing assistance
- Telephone assistance
- Departure assistance


- Work authorization and residence permit for the expatriate and their family
- Residence permit renewal
- Banking account setting
- Insurance contract setting
- Telephone line setting


- Educational assistance: family needs audit
- Schools presentation: system, cost, diploma
- Accompaniment for selected schools
- Help with child enrollment


- Training, coaching and networking
- Suggestions for organized trips
- Extra-curricular activities organization

DZ EXPAT, the Algerian Dream

  • Territory of 2.4 million km²
  • Largest country in Africa, the Arab world and the Mediterranean basin
  • Central geographical position in the north of the continent with more than 1600 km on the Mediterranean
  • 10th largest country in the world
  • 44 million inhabitants
  • Median age 28-29 years
  • Highest GDP in the Maghreb, 4th GDP in Africa
  • Highest HDI in North Africa, 3rd HDI in Africa
  • 1st oil and natural gas producer and exporter in the Mediterranean

In 2022, Algeria is one of the most emerging economies in the world with a growth rate of 4.7%.

In 2023, Algeria is the least indebted Arab country.

Sources : IMF, UNDP

Business Climate Favorable to Private Investment

  • Intensification of international protection and arbitration agreements
  • Signature of 48 bilateral conventions and agreements relating to the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments
  • Signature of 65 bilateral non-taxation conventions and agreements

Numerous advantages in terms of financing, taxation, customs duties, construction of infrastructure, land concessions, etc.

Ministry of Finance website :

5 Priority Sectors

    • Industry
    • Tourism
    • Agriculture
    • Renewable energies
    • Information and Communication Technologies

In Algeria, economic opportunities are considerable. The territory is extensive, the destination fascinating but the cultural specificities complex to decipher.

Comfort for every Actor of the Company


financial optimization
– no fixed charge
– operational efficiency
– cost management
– expatriation ROI increase


collaborator integration
– on-the-ground support
– emotional security
– quick duties uptake
– psychosocial risk reduction


management and planning
– process synchronization
– tracking each step
– deadlines mastery
– profession professionalization


service providers centralization
– unique interlocutor
– stakeholder network coordination
– controlling each step
– relay between the company and the new establishment

DZ EXPAT, the Return on Investment


You wish to improve the care of your staff by preventing the psychosocial risks linked to expatriation.

We provide security to the collaborator in all aspects of their extra-professional life to make them more serene and therefore operational as quickly as possible.


You wish financial and operational optimization by accessing a know-how without bearing the investment cost.

We cover and synchronize all mobility processes to ensure continuity between your headquarters and your new location.


You want to facilitate the human resources action by entrusting the management of your geomobility to a single interlocutor.

We offer a coordination service between the various partners selected and essential to carrying out the mission.


“We are very satisfied with Ms. Messaoudi's work who has impressed us with her efficiency and organization!”
Real estate rental Algiers Algeria
Human Resources Principal


“Dhahoua Messaoudi has the skills to find the best solutions to our HR issues and provides exceptional support to clients. Congratulations and thank you!”
relocation consulting Algiers Algeria
Paul Tarik BENDER
Human Resources Principal


“A big thank you to Ms. Messaoudi for her excellent and innovative relocation services. Good luck for the future!”
relocation consulting Algiers Algeria
Bernard CARBO
General manager

Some Numbers

Our performance in figures

1 +
Satisfied customers
100 +
Completed projects
1 +
Years of experience
1 +

You wish to start a project with us ?

DZ EXPAT is a business Consulting firm which assists Human Resources Departments in professional geomobility management.